We offer both ASAM Level 1 Group Therapy and Individual Therapy. Our ASAM Level 1 Group Therapy follows state required rules to meet your legal requirements. All program services are strictly confidential and performed by DBHDD Certified Treatment Providers.
Our Individual Therapy for Substance Abuse allows the counselor to have more one-on-one time to work with you to address more pronounced issues that may contribute to addictive behaviours. Our Individual Therapy allows the client to arrange sessions around work and family schedules.
As an added service to our clients, we offer Alcohol Testing and Illicit Drug Testing in a matter of minutes. Our Alcohol Testing is conducted using Evidential Breath Testing devices or by screening devices. For Illicit Drug Testing a 12-panel drug test is used and other drug screens. Our panels detect Cocaine, THC-Marijuana, Opiates, Amphetamine, Methamphetamines, Phencyclidine, Benzodiazepines, Barbiturates, Methadone, MDMA-Ecstasy, Oxycodone, Propoxyphene, and other illicit drugs


Thank you for allowing Enhance Behavioral Health an opportunity to provide information on our Clinical Evaluation and Substance Abuse Services. Our definition of clinical evaluation is an evaluation screening assessment designed for DUI offenders. DUI offenders are people driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Our definition of substance abuse assessment is a psychologically more detailed evaluation to determine a person’s substance use and possible addiction. The substance abuse assessment uses multiple psychological measures and questionnaires to determine an individual’s risk for chemical dependency and addiction.